Running hot and cold in the deep sea: Scientists explore rare environment

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Running hot and cold in the deep sea: Scientists explore rare environment

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 04:57 PM PST

It’s extremely rare to find hot hydrothermal vents and cold methane seeps intersecting in one place, but that’s what researchers found and explored during an expedition in 2010. A description of the scientists’ findings, including a large number of mysterious, undescribed species, has just been published.

Listening to the 9. 0-magnitude Japanese earthquake: Seismic waves converted to audio to study quake’s traits

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 11:25 AM PST

A professor has converted the seismic waves from last year’s historic Japanese earthquake into audio files. The results allow experts and general audiences to “hear” what the quake sounded like as it moved through the earth and around the globe.
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