Hi Neville ,
It’s happening again. Senator Colbeck is welcoming a huge freezer factory trawler from Europe to fish in the Australian small pelagic fishery, despite ongoing concerns about the threats this poses to our unique marine life, fisheries and local fishing. We need your help to stop this again, and we only have weeks.
Senator Colbeck has failed to implement the Expert Panel’s recommendations on how to minimise the risks, started a Trojan Horse ban on super trawlers over 130m long (even though only a handful exist) and ignored your concerns about bringing these global factory trawlers into Australian waters.
It’s time to bypass Senator Colbeck and get the Australian Government to start listening!
In 2012 we all worked together to stop the super trawler Margiris, and we can do it again.
Click here to use this easy online email form to ask your Local MP and Senators to start listening and stop the Geelong Star and ALL large freezer factory trawlers before it’s too late!
The Geelong Star is managed by the same company who owns the super trawler Margiris. Previously named the Dirk Dirk, this factory trawler has been flagged to Australia and renamed after its soon-to-be new home port, Geelong Victoria. And it’s already ruffling feathers! We’ve got Victorian community groups joining the Stop the Trawler Alliance so they can help stop this new factory trawler from wiping out their local waters (and all those from the QLD border around to WA).
Help send a strong message to your Member of Parliament and Senators that these large freezer factory trawlers are not wanted! Email them today
The Small Pelagic Fishery season opens on 1 May and the Geelong Star has left its European port already. So it will be here in a matter of weeks.
Please help to protect our local fisheries, fishing and unique marine life from this threat and make sure that the Abbott Government knows Senator Colbeck’s welcoming party stands to further isolate the Government from their constituents.
Let’s turn this boat around!
Thanks so much for all that you do,
Bec, Erika and the Stop the Trawler Crew.
p.s. It is critical that Local MPs and Senators get thousands of emails if we are to convince the Government to overturn Senator Colbecks super trawler welcome. Please send your email today – it will only take 2 minutes. |