Solar small businesses sold out by Rees govt’s failure on traiffs

Energy Matters0

Solar small businesses sold out by Rees govt’s failure on tariffs
Media release: 27 July 2009
Greens NSW MP John Kaye spent Monday morning with Peakhurst-based small
business Australia Wide Solar learning first hand about the impacts of
the Rees government’s decision to opt for an ineffective ‘net’ feed-in
Dr Kaye, whose visit was part of Pollies for Small Business week, said:
“The employment opportunities in the solar industry are massive but they
are being wasted by a state government that cannot see beyond coal-fired
power stations.
“Australia Wide Solar’s Richard Keetley and Stewart Everitt and their
team are doing a great job for the region installing panels and helping
households reduce their carbon footprint.

“Along the way they have created six new, high quality jobs.
“Every small business faces huge challenges, but the solar industry
lives day to day with the uncertainty of a federal subsidy structure
that is now in limbo.
“To cap it off, the Rees government caved in to pressure from the coal
faction in their cabinet and announced a net feed-in tariff that only
pays a bonus to energy that is put back into the grid.
“International experience shows that the Rees government’s net tariff
will have almost no impact on boosting businesses like Peakhurst’s
Australia Wide Solar.
“When the legislation comes to parliament to implement the tariff, the
Greens will move amendments to turn it into a much more effective gross
tariff that pays solar-powered households for all the energy they
produce, rather than just the surplus that is used by the grid.
“Gross feed-in tariffs the most efficient way to boost the take up of
solar power.
“NSW must move beyond last centuries technology and mindsets if the
state is to address climate change and create new jobs in the green
“If the Greens are successful in amending the Rees government’s
legislation to turn it into an effective gross tariff, then companies
like this will soon be doubling or trebling in size,’ Dr Kaye said.
For more information: John Kaye 0407 195 455
Australia Wide Solar: Stewart Everitt 0409229414; Richard Keetley

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