Speed up solar power says MP

Energy Matters0

Solar power station to address peak power demand: "There is a project planned for northern Victoria which will address some of that peak power demand — that is, a solar power station…The station is costed at $420 million…the time frame is over the period to full commissioning in 2013; it will have 154 megawatts, and it will use photovoltaic technology… it will save us 400,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases a year and will provide power for around about 45,000 average homes.

Pilot plant does not start until 2010: …"The pilot plant is not meant to start until 2010 and be completed until 2013. The technology is proven. The Victorian government is a substantial contributor to the project investment. Of that $420 million, $75 million has come from the Australian government and $50 million from the Victorian government. If the technology is proven, I call on the Victorian government to consult with the partners and accelerate the project beyond the current Bendigo pilot plant. We cannot wait until 2013 for this peak power project," said Crisp.

Reference: Peter Crisp, Member for Mildura, Legislative Assembly, Victoria, 9 October 2007.

Erisk Net, 8/11/2007

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