Spread Reckoning: US Suburbs Face Twin Perils of Climate change-Peak Oil

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Oil Prices In A ‘Peak Oil‘ Environment
Forex Pros
By Andrew MacKillop | Commodities | Mar 23, 2012 05:47AM GMT | Add a Comment Peak Oil can be defined at least 4 ways but one way is simple: Peak Oil is when supplies and stocks are enduringly tight relative to demand, and price slides are short but
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Spread Reckoning: US Suburbs Face Twin Perils of Climate Change and Peak Oil
Democratic Underground
METROPOLITAN WOES: Climate change and peak oil will pose fundamental challenges for metropolitan communities, such as Merriam, a suburb of Kansas City. Image: Flickr / ThirdHandArt Most people reading this would probably find Merriam, Kansas,
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We Don’t Consume Resources, We Create Them
This has implications for huge swathes of the environmental movement and also for certain parts of the Peak Oil theory. Please note that I’m not trying to state, as no economist is, that we do not live on a finite Earth. That there isn’t some limit to
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