Strippers cause storm at Climate Change Conference


Government sponsorship of a climate-change conference was axed on 7 September after outraged scientists stormed out of a formal dinner at which female burlesque entertainers danced with balloons and stripped to their underwear, reported The Age (8/9/2006, p.1).

Women storm out in protest: Many of the women who attended the dinner at Old Parliament House left the room in protest, with the conference organiser calling a premature halt to the show when the extent of the offence taken became clear.

Attendee stunned at balloon frolics: "I honestly could not believe my eyes when a woman covered in balloons started prancing around as delirious male scientists popped them with a pin," one attendee said in an email to The Age Online.

Display scuppers recognition of contributions by women: Robin Robertson, another conference participant, said she was not personally offended "but there were a lot of people who were really upset". Dr Robertson said it was a pity because the rest of the conference had done a great deal to recognise the contribution of women in the field.

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