Project description: The project includes:
• intake and outlet pipelines to draw raw seawater into the plant and
return seawater concentrate to the ocean (including tunnelling under
Botany Bay National Park);
• pipelines and/ or tunnels from the plant across Botany Bay to the
Sydney Water Corporation water supply system for the distribution of
drinking water;
• pipelines from the plant to Miranda water supply system for the distribution of drinking water;
• connection of the plant to the electricity grid; and
• temporary laydown areas for construction use.
Project site: Kurnell Peninsula and other land is required for
the construction and operation of the seawater intake and concentrate
discharge structures, the desalination plant, and associated potable
water distribution. Lands comprising the bed of Botany Bay for potable
water distribution and State coastal waters to the east of Kurnell
Peninsula for seawater intake and concentrate discharge structures. The
proponent is Sydney Water Corporation. The approval authority is the
Minister for Planning.
Further information and submissions: A copy of the Environmental Assessment may also be viewed on the Department of Planning’s website or on Sydney Water Corporation’s website Your submission must reach the Department of Planning by Friday 3 February 2006. Submissions may be made electronically to
or by post to: Kurnell Desalination Submissions, Major Development
Assessment, Department of Planning, GPO Box 39, SYDNEY NSW 2001.
Reference: Enquiries relating to the environmental impact assessment
or planning process may be directed to the Department of Planning on
1300 305 695. Enquiries relating to the project and its implementation
may be directed to Sydney Water on 1800 685 833.