Greens leader begs Libs & ALP for climate action


Tasmanian Greens Deputy Leader Nick McKim says the Federal government has abrogated its responsibility on climate change but the Tasmanian government is just as bad for not seeking mandatory cuts in emissions.

Dropping MRETs is Howard’s failure: "We think that John Howard’s abandonment of the mandated renewable energy targets is a shame and demonstrates his personal failure and the failure of his government to come to grips with what I regard as the most important issue currently facing policy makers in the world," McKim told state parliament on 27/9/2006.

Policy scuttles wind project:The "complete gutting" of Hydro Tasmania’s plans to proceed with the Musselroe wind farm was a byproduct of the Federal government’s stance, he said.

Tasmania fails on target cuts: McKim, speaking after he had released a leaked draft of the Tasmanian Labor government’s climate change strategy, criticised its failure to broach a local emissions reduction scheme.

South Australia has easier road: He noted that the South Australian Labor government had legislated to reduce greenhouse emissions by 60 per cent by the year 2050. Given that Tasmania generated most of its electricity by renewable means, it would be easier for South Australia to achieve any given emissions reduction target, he conceded.

Massive failure by Labor: "But for the Lennon government to choose not only not to legislate for any mandatory emissions reduction targets but not to even propose a process by which we can discuss whether or not we ought to legislate is a massive failure and puts them right next to John Howard on this issue.

Policy will cost economy: "Mr Howard and his government and Mr Lennon and his government have manifestly failed to come to grips with the issue of climate change and as a result are costing this state and this country not only environmentally but, very importantly, economically as well."

Climate health is paramount: McKim said the climate change issue was more important than health. "Let me put it like this. If you are going to build a new Royal Hobart Hospital, it is no use putting one where it is going to be under water in 20 years."

Reference: Anatomical Examinations Bill 2006 (No. 39). First Reading. Bill presented by Ms Giddings and read the first time.

Erisk Net, 4/10/2006

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