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The John James Newsletter 71
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The John James Newsletter 71
25 July 2015 – Antilly, France
If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree Michael Crichton The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their understanding of their own history George Orwell
In Israel, Jewish ‘Sanhedrin’ Set to Try Pope Francis for Recognizing PalestineIsraeli Sanhedrin is to put Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem. The Sanhedrin has no legal status yet it is comprised of some of the greatest rabbis of the nation.http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/44759/pope-francis-tried-sanhedrin-jewish-world/ The Pope Francis Encyclical And Its Economicsa series of quotations to illustrate portions of the Pope’s forceful arguments. http://steadystate.org/the-pope-francis-encyclical-and-its-economics/
The Firesale BeginsWarren Buffett to buy the Greek island of Agios Thomas for 15 milion euro.http://www.thedailysheeple.com/the-firesale-begins-tsipras-agrees-to-sell-greek-assets_072015
Ocean Temperatures At Record HighOf all the excess heat that results from people’s emissions, 93.4% goes into oceans. http://arctic-news.blogspot.fr/2015/07/ocean-temperatures-at-record-high.html World Breaks Temperature Record as Climate Summit Nears:http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-21/world-breaks-temperature-record-as-climate-summit-nears
These are not absolute temperatures, but anomalies: Temperatures different to the norm.
The Square Kilometre Array: radio silence in Western Australia for most powerful telescope in historyThe biggest science project of the next 20 years: a radio telescope capable of picking out something like an airport radar on a planet in another solar system. http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jul/17/the-square-kilometre-array-radio-silence-in-western-australia-for-most-powerful-telescope-in-history?CMP=ema_632
UN says Ebola outbreak not yet finishedAbout 30 people are still getting infected with Ebola virus each week in West Africa, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/07/ebola-outbreak-finished-150713095921610.html
Oz Energy ministers to factor in carbon emissions, push storagein the ACT Corbell has implemented ambitious plans to have 90% renewables by 2020, and slash emissions by 40%.http://reneweconomy.com.au/2015/corbell-gets-energy-ministers-to-factor-in-carbon-emissions-push-storage-81752
Radioactive water from Fukushima plant again escapesThe operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant found radioactive water overflowing into the sea. http://nuclear-news.net/2015/07/16/radioactive-water-from-fukushima-plant-escapes-1100-becquerels-of-beta-ray-emitting-radioactive-substances/
Welcome to IceworldStunning first hi-definition image of Pluto reveals huge 11,000 foot mountains made of water ice and a geologically active surface http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3162894/11-000-foot-high-mountains-ice-geologically-active-surface-Stunning-image-surface-Pluto-revealed.html When Andromeda and our galaxy collideStunning videohttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3151458/
Mass Migration Threatens European Civilisation, Says Hungary PM“Mass migration could change the face of Europe’s civilisation. It is irreversible, There is no way back from a multicultural Europe. Neither to a Christian Europe, nor to the world of national cultures,. If we make a mistake now, it will be forever,”http://news.yahoo.com/migration-threatens-european-civilisation-hungary-pm-134049945.html Italians Torch Beds to Block ‘Migrant’ Arrivalshttp://news.yahoo.com/italy-residents-set-fire-beds-anti-migrant-protest-002603521.html Fences rise in The Middle East and North AfricaNow the most walled region in the world, and range from fences inside cities to anti-migrant barriers.http://www.smh.com.au/world/fences-rise-across-middle-east-as-jihadi-threat-rattles-leaders-20150724-gijgdv.html#ixzz3gmRA1pHH
Are China and the US Doomed to Conflict?The former prime minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd is also a longtime student of China, with a unique vantage point to watch its power rise in the past few decades. http://www.ted.com/talks/kevin_rudd_are_china_and_the_us_doomed_to_conflict
Earth’s Most Famous Climate Scientist Issues Bombshell Sea Level Warning:The study-concludes that glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica will melt 10 times faster than previous consensus estimates, resulting in sea level rise of at least 10 feet in as little as 50 years.http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/07/20/sea_level_study_james_hansen_issues_dire_climate_warning.html
India’s grand solar plans ruin Abbott’s coal export strategyInvestment in solar alone will outstrip that of coal generation, with a significant impact on coal imports. http://reneweconomy.com.au/2015/indias-grand-solar-plans-ruin-abbotts-coal-export-strategy-77514
One year on from the carbon price experiment, the rebound in emissions is clear Emissions intensity, which was increasing until shortly before June 2012, fell continuously for the two years to June 2014. Since then, it has increased consistently.http://theconversation.com/one-year-on-from-the-carbon-price-experiment-the-rebound-in-emissions-is-clear-44782
Behind the scenes of Iran’s nuclear dealThe scramble for Iran is on. Germany’s vice chancellor was the first to visit with the French next week, with an eye to doing deals. But it’s about more than money: are alliances already being redrawn?http://www.france24.com/en/2015-07-21-the-debate-inside-the-iran-deal-france-24-goes-behind-the-scenes-in-vienna Iran eyes $185 billion in post-sanctions oil and gas projectshttp://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/1.667455 Welcome to the Iran erahttp://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/07/analysis-iran-era-150722071521187.html
The power of propaganda to defame realityAlmost half of Israelis would support a unilateral strike to prevent Iran obtaining the atomic bomb. Nearly three-quarters thought the agreement would accelerate Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon, not prevent it.http://news.yahoo.com/47-israelis-back-unilateral-iran-strike-poll-093113859.html
Armed Insecurity in the Age of Endless War and Mass ShootingsAs a society, we’re armed and dangerous – and always at war, both collectively and individually. We’re endlessly declaring bad guys and endlessly protecting ourselves from them, in the process guaranteeing that the violence continues. And the parallels between “them” and “us” are unnerving.http://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/07/23/armed-insecurity-age-endless-war-and-mass-shootings