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Quote of the Day – Clare Boothe Luce – “Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.”
This captain is off target
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10:26 AM (14 minutes ago)
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This story begins with a promise made on the cusp of an election: that the current 41,000 gigawatt-hour Renewable Energy Target would be safe under an Abbott-led Coalition government.
Late last year Prime Minister Abbott broke that promise calling for devastating cuts to the Target instead.
Fast forward to this week and negotiations between the Abbott government and Labor on the future of the Target are making headlines again. Detail is thin on the ground but what’s clear is Abbott’s team have been using national media channels to deliver veiled threats: take our offer to slash the Target to around 31,000 GWh, or we’ll walk.
Just this morning reports say that both Labor and industry representatives will not accept such dramatic cuts to the Target.* Let’s show them we won’t stand for it either. Can you email your Coalition representative today telling them to hold their Party leader, Mr Abbott, to his election promise?
Since his election, Prime Minister Abbott has waged a ferocious attack on renewables. This may be a captain’s call, but we’re not convinced the crew are 100% on board. Many in his own party understand that Australians want more, not less renewable energy in the country’s power mix.
If the past few months in politics have shown us anything, it’s that a few backbenchers with the courage to speak up can make all the difference. That’s why we’re asking you to email your Coalition MP or Senator, encouraging them to do their job and speak up on behalf of people in their communities who want to keep the Renewable Energy Target strong.
The good news is we’re already getting through to them. Our phone calls, emails, meetings and rallies have demonstrated enormous community support for the Target. The Coalition negotiators have now edged their position up slightly from what they were proposing last year. We can’t miss this opportunity to keep the pressure on.
Most agree our sun drenched country should be taking confident strides towards a solar powered future. The Renewable Energy Target is one of the most successful pieces of nation building legislation in past years. Not only has the Target helped more than 5 million Australians go solar, it also benefits the entire country – increasing investment, growth, jobs and regional development.
So why is Prime Minister Abbott intent on taking us back to the dark ages? Abbott’s broken promise has already set the renewable energy industry back 12 years and seen an 88 per cent reduction in projects due to stalled investment.** If he refuses to come to the table with a genuine commitment to Australian renewables the resulting economic vandalism will be devastating.
Our politicians still have a chance to make things right. But they won’t do it without some firm encouragement from you. They’re back in Parliament today, so let’s make sure the Target is the hot topic around the Coalition water cooler. Take a minute to send your personal message to your Coalition MP or Senator using our handy tool, asking them to hold their Party leader to his promise.
For a sun-powered Australia,
Claire, National Director
P.S. As if the attacks on the Target are not enough, just last week Abbott’s Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, launched a scare campaign against the solar industry.*** Write today to make sure your Coalition MP or Senator hears your concerns right now while they are in Canberra and calls on PM Abbott to rein in his government’s attacks on solar and renewables.
*** http://reneweconomy.com.au/2015/solar-industry-fears-politics-driving-rooftop-inquiry-56353
Solar Citizens
Solar Citizens is an independent community-based organisation bringing together millions of solar owners and supporters to protect and grow solar in Australia. You can keep up with Solar Citizens on Twitter or like us on Facebook.