Today was powerful
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5:17 PM (1 hour ago)
Dear Friends,
Today, our movement took a bold and important step in the fight against the monstrous Galilee coal mines and the Abbot Point expansion on the Great Barrier Reef.
Led by Traditional Owners, over 100 of us walked on to the Abbot Point coal terminal to deliver hand-written pledges to protect the climate and the Reef from Adani’s senseless coal expansion plans.
On the frontiers of Australia’s (and one of the world’s) largest coal expansion projects, community leaders from the local region and allies from across the country sent a message that cannot be ignored– ‘this kind of community action is the new normal and we won’t stop until these disastrous projects are ditched once and for all’.
We know that sometimes this can feel like an enormous struggle…
…but in years to come we’ll look back on today as a turning point in that struggle. When locals and supporters from across Australia united in action and sent a signal that cannot be ignored.
And today is just the beginning. Now is the time to step up like never before and put an end to the Galilee coal nightmare.
Today showed the power of what can happen when committed people from all walks of life stand as one and take action. Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time and passion in bringing about this bold action!
Join the Reef Defenders and be part of a nation-wide movement that will take powerful, peaceful and dignified action to win this fight.
Yours in strength,
Josh and Moira on behalf of 350.org Australia and the Reef Defenders Alliance.
P.S. for more highlights from the action today check out our Facebook and search for #ReefDefenders on twitter
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