Together, we’ve just scored a great win. Australian Unions Team

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A big win on trade


Australian Unions Team <>

4:10 PM (23 minutes ago)

to me
Dear Inga,

Together, we’ve just scored a great win.

Over the weekend, the Labor Party agreed to oppose the parts of the China trade deal that shut out locals from jobs. If Abbott doesn’t go back to the negotiating table, then Labor will block the legislation needed to make this deal happen.

For everyone who has taken action against this deal, you are making a difference.

Help us stay on the front foot. We still need more parliamentarians to listen, and we need to hold Labor to its promise.

Send the China FTA inquiry a strong message. And come to one of the actions nearest to you.

In unity,
Ged and Dave

p.s. Check out the TV ad on the China Free Trade Agreement that is premiering tonight during the MasterChef grand finale.

Australian Unions Team

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