Trees can manage soil salinity


Pinus radiata better prospect than Cypress: Prospects for establishing cypress on farms were low because of its slow growth rates (80-year rotation). Reasonable growth could be achieved for Pinus radiata, in areas of above 600 mm rainfall.

Species with desired traits: Other species identified as having rapid establishment and growth, and end product use for a range of soil types and climates, based on many trials and demonstrations (>100 ha) across 10–15 years included: A. mearnsii, A. stenophylla, E. camaldulensis, E. occidentalis, E. sideroxylon and E. viminalis. Other prospective species include E. melliodora and C. cunninghamiana.

Lots of know-how: Considerable knowledge was available on species and provenance suitability to different soil conditions, including salinity. Local species identified as suitable for timber production in the southern part of the region were E. albens, E. blakelyi, E. conica, E. melliodora, E. microcarpa, E. populnea and E. sideroxylon.

Limited prospects for northern NSW: Prospects for integrated forestry were greatest in areas of above 600 mm rainfall, but reducing risk and uncertainty was critical to industry development. Market development, infrastructure and incentive payments were prerequisites to extensive adoption. As with northern NSW, current prospects were limited.

Reference: Report on “Integrated Forestry on Farmland”, by Lisa Robins and Nico Marcar, CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity, 2007

Erisk Net, 2007, p. 36

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