Turnbull announces climate change publication

Dear Neville,

Thank you for your email about the community information campaign on climate change.


As you would be aware, climate change is a complex issue that is of increasing concern to Australians. We have found that many people are confused about what climate change actually is and what needs to be done to minimise its impact. They are also seeking simple and easily accessible information on the actions they can take as individuals to play a part in meeting the challenges presented by climate change.


To help address these issues, we have announced, on Clean Up Australia Day (4 March) that the Australian Government would fund an initiative to provide all Australian households with information explaining climate change and the simple actions they can take to become more energy efficient. It would also provide them with the means to accurately calculate their emissions and the opportunity to become a ‘carbon neutral’ household. Given that Australian households collectively produce around 20 per cent of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions, action at this level can make a significant difference.


The initiative is currently in the developmental stage, with decisions still to be made about its implementation. It will provide Australians with valuable information to help them better understand climate change and how they can play a role, alongside governments and industry, in responding to it.


All the best,



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