US Govt caught framing innocent


ARIANE WEBSTER, SUSPECT’S GRANDMOTHER: I’m — truly down in my heart I believe that’s a stone lie. I been knowing Nassir (ph) better than five years. I never know him to get in any trouble. I never know him to have any problem with anybody. I always know him, he taught my son how to do karate. I have a son that is 18 years old. When he first met my son, my son was only about …

ANDREWS (reporter) : So you don’t think he’s a terrorist, as the government’s alleging?

WEBSTER: No, I don’t. I really don’t believe that.

MASTER G.H.G. ATHEA, SUSPECT’S FRIEND: Someone along the line offered to him some funds to do whatever he wanted to do if that’s what he wanted to do. As far as some subversive work. And said they would give him whatever he needed.

ANDREWS: So somebody had approached him to give him money to blow up buildings?

ATHEA: To do whatever he wanted to do. But that was far from his mind. So he had no desire to interact with these men to accept anything they had to offer.

ANDREWS: So bottom line here, is your friend a terrorist?

ATHEA: No, he’s not. Absolutely not.

The key comment here is from the suspects friend. It clearly looks as if the "someone" who tried to bend his ear and convince him to join Al-Qaeda was acting on behalf of the US government and running an entrapment sting.

Entrapment is the primary method used to expose supposed Al-Qaeda cells, the evidence of which they were dangerous terrorists later dissolves into thin air in every single instance. It was used in the Canadian scare earlier this month and also recently in the Toledo arrests.

Attorney General Gonzales said that "the individual they thought was a member of al-Qaida was present at their meetings and in actuality he was working with the South Florida Joint Terrorism Task Force."

This is classic entrapment and the artificial manufacture of an Al-Qaeda boogeyman to wave in front of the American people.

Batiste was most likely told that he was part of an anti-terror drill to test the security of Chicago landmarks and that he had to recruit a mock group of followers. Either that or he was a hand-picked idiot who had severe mental deficiencies and couldn’t spot and obvious set-up.

One of the repeating elements to emerge from every major terror sting or forged terror alert is the use of retarded individuals as patsies, informants and go-betweens. The terror raid in Forest Gate three weeks ago in which an innocent man was shot by the police was conducted on the whim of information provided by a man with an IQ of just 69.

Similarly, it was reported today that the informant who sparked interest in alleged Ottawa terrorist Mohamed Harkat was "certifiably insane."

The group used by the FBI to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993 were also clinically retarded. It’s easier to frame people who lack any credibility and don’t have any means to eloquently defend themselves.

Don’t be surprised to learn of a connection to a retarded individual over the next few days.

We shouldn’t be lapse in our understanding that the Sears Tower is indeed the target of deranged terrorist masters who want to destroy America. Internet speculation that the landmark would be attacked on April 19, 2004 was rubbished by many and yet a derailing of the plot was quietly announced that very day yet given no play in the establishment media.

In March 2004, Silverstein Properties bought the tower in an $800 million deal. Larry Silverstein’s penchant for large insurance pay outs, coupled with the strange coincidence of buildings only owned by him collapsing on 9/11, makes for a dangerous combination.

The Sears Tower is indeed under threat – not from government created patsies, but the elite itself.

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