Water Minister tries to shoot the messenger


Dr Kaye said: “Minister Costa was unable to tell yesterday’s Upper House Budget Estimates committee if he had read Hunter Water’s Integrated Water Resource Plans for 2003 through to 2006.
“He seemed to be unaware that these documents placed Tillegra as the second worse supply option.
“He was unable to explain the sudden back-flip in late 2006 that converted the dam into the must-have water supply project.
“Instead he tried to discredit the Greens and groups such as No Tillegra Dam for their opposition to the unpopular, expensive and unnecessary proposal.
“The Minister was also deeply embarrassed by revelations from NSW Office of Water Commissioner David Harriss that his own experts had severe reservations about the dam.
“The Hunter community would be better served by a water minister who spent less time attacking  his opponents and more time listening to the state’s water experts.
“For the record, the Greens stand behind the evidence that Tillegra Dam is expensive, uneconomic, unnecessary, unjustified, environmentally damaging, opposed by a number of senior government water and environment experts, and exposed to price risk because of the complex geology of the site,” Dr Kaye said.
For more information: John Kaye 0407 195 455
John Kaye
Greens member of the NSW Parliament
phone: (02) 9230 2668
fax: (02) 9230 2586
mobile: 0407 195 455
email: john.kaye@parliament.nsw.gov.au
web: www.johnkaye.org.au

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