Weekly Briefing – Letter of the Week and November Lobby Day Citizens’ Climate Lobby

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Weekly Briefing – Letter of the Week and November Lobby Day


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Regional conferences in November, CCL University schedule.

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Citizens' Climate Lobby
CCL Weekly Briefing, Oct. 22, 2015
Dr. James Hansen
Table of Contents:
November regional conferences
CCLU Schedule
Letter of the week
November Lobby Day
Outreach presentations
Regional conferences in November

The regional conferences are a great opportunity to hone our lobbying skills, strategize with one another, and spend a little quality time with CCL staffers. Two conferences are coming up next month: The Great North Winds Country Regional in Red Wing, MN, Nov. 6-8 and the Northeast Regional in Nashua, NH, Nov. 13-15. If you live in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota or South Dakota, you can find out more about for the Great North Winds Country conference and register here.

If you live New York, New Jersey or New England, learn more about and register for the Northeast conference – Dr. James Hansen will be speaking!

CCL University tonight: Effective Group Meetings

For CCL chapters, the monthly meeting is the place where things can really happen to educate our members and take the actions needed to generate political will. Join tonight’s CCL-University session at 8 p.m. ET as CCL Program Director Madeleine Para discusses how to plan and facilitate an effective group meeting.

Three ways to join the webinar/conference call:

1. Download the Fuze app/program and enter the meeting number 27579270 when prompted. *Best experience.

2. Join meeting through your browser: http://fuze.me/27579270

3. Join by phone: 201-479-4595 and enter 27579270 when prompted.

Next week on CCL University: A demonstration of the Surging Seas Risk Finder tool from Climate Central.

Letter of the week

Lots of great opportunities for letters to the editor these days as we get closer to the Paris climate conference. Our show of support for the Gibson resolution is still very important, and we’re closing in on 100 media hits. Most of the buzz on Gibson is being generated by CCL, so thanks to all who are submitting those letters and op-eds. Please don’t forget to submit a field report when someone in your group gets published!

Our letter of the week, published in the Albany Times Union, comes from Iona Lutey:

A positive change in climate attitude

Thank you for your continuing coverage of climate change, including the fantastic column by Thomas L. Friedman, “Planet could easily tip to saturation,” Oct. 9.

Yes, indeed, Earth is our Eden, and we do have a chance to preserve it for future generations if we act swiftly and decisively. And act we must. As Friedman suggests, we can adopt the idea proposed by Ronald Reagan’s secretary of state, George Shultz, that “the conservative thing to do now is to take out some insurance against climate change, because if it really gets rocking the results could be ‘catastrophic.’ ”

In spite of the noise being produced by the Republican presidential candidates, there are Republicans out there who are making sense like Shultz and U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson, R-Kinderhook, and 10 other Republican members of Congress who recently introduced a resolution acknowledging the escalating costs and dangers of a changing climate. They are calling for serious dialogue about solutions that do not hurt the economy.

Congressman Gibson has already begun this dialogue by co-sponsoring a bipartisan, bicameral briefing on climate change, featuring key food company executives pledging to boost their carbon reduction efforts and, at the same time, calling on government leaders worldwide to come to an agreement for substantive action at the Paris climate talks in December.

Let’s hope all this is indeed the beginning of a “tipping point tipping” – for all our sakes.

Iona Lutey

November Lobby Day

The deadline to register for our November lobbying in DC is Oct. 24. The deadline for reserving rooms at our group rate at the Omni Hotel has passed, but some members have rooms to share at the Omni or at nearby accommodations. If you’re looking for a room or a roommate for the DC conference Nov. 16 – 17, check out this page: http://community.citizensclimatelobby.org/forum/conference-roommates-and-lodging/

Outreach presentations

Our Proactive Outreach Action Team just hit 209 members on CCL Community and is averaging almost two downloads per day of our solution-focused slide deck. If you are not a member already, consider joining our Action Team.

Our next monthly support call will be October 29, 5 p.m. PDT for Schedulers, and 6 p.m. PDT for Presenters. Call 712 775-7031, code 788 557 731#

Quote-of-the-month – from CCL Volunteer Jami Gaither

“I am really impressed with what you all are doing.”

Our Carbon Fee and Dividend slide below appears twice in the deck. Repeat the important stuff.

Schedulers typically send between one and ten CCL presentation proposals per week to clubs, groups, and other local organizations.

CCL New Member Orientation
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our weekly intro call and then register for our new member orientation.
The Intro Call is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT
Join Intro Call
New Member Orientation is held third and fourth Wednesdays of every month.

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