What’s missing?
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7:35 PM (29 minutes ago)
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Dear friend,
From September 30th to October 2nd, Vice-Chancellors, University Presidents and other higher education heavy-weights will come together for the World Academic Summit at the University of Melbourne. But something huge is missing from the agenda — climate change.
University students are being taught everyday about the devastating impacts of climate change, many without realising that their own university is investing in the industry most responsible for the looming climate catastrophe.
Universities all over the world are being called upon to take real climate action by pulling their investments out of its main cause — the fossil fuel industry. Half of the speakers at the upcoming World Academic Summit are from universities with divestment campaigns active on their campuses.
Surely climate change and divestment deserve to be on the agenda of the World Academic Summit?
Tell the World Academic Summit to put climate change and divestment on their agenda today.
Whilst the Summit takes place, hundreds of university students will come together to hold their own alternative Fossil Free Summit. They’ll be calling for divestment to be put on the Academic Summit’s agenda and they will urge their universities to ditch fossil fuel investments for good.
34 universities around the world have committed to fully or partially divest from fossil fuels. Just a few weeks ago, the University of California divested its $98 billion endowment fund from coal and tar sands oil, the largest university endowment fund yet to do so.[1] If we push hard enough, Australia’s universities will be next.
Yours for a safe climate,
Vicky for 350.org Australia
[1] University of California Springs Divestment Surprise, Sept 10th, InsideClimate News.
350.org is building a global climate movement.You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a Climate Defender and donate monthly to help 350.org keep Australia’s fossil fuels in the ground.