Your Medicare. Your Fight. Bill Shorten

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Your Medicare. Your Fight.


Bill Shorten via 

6:22 PM (21 minutes ago)

to me
Moments ago Tony Abbott’s Health Minister announced they are backing down on just one part of their new GP Tax package – a $20 cut in the Medicare rebate that was supposed to start on Monday.

Sussan Ley said they were backing down because of a huge amount of community pressure. Community pressure that you helped build.

But they are still going ahead with their GP Tax.

Sussan Ley said they will never give up on increasing the cost of seeing a doctor.

The only way to get rid of the GP Tax is to get rid of the Government.

When Minister Ley made her announcement, she also said that “people often think you send the Health Minister an e-mail and she never reads it. In fact I’ve read an awful lot over the last fortnight…”

If that’s the case, let’s give her something worth reading.

Can you write the Health Minister an email and tell her to dump the GP Tax in full? We will pass your messages to her on your behalf.

If she says she reads her email and listens to the community, let’s make sure she understands what the community really thinks about Tony Abbott’s GP Tax.

Click here to write the Health Minister an email and tell her what you think.

Labor built Medicare and together we can defend it.

Thank you for standing with me on this,


Australian Labor Party

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