Ebola prevention can succeed with your support F.0.E

28 October, 2014 General news0
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Ebola prevention can succeed with your support


Friends of the Earth International <web@foei.org>

3:33 AM (14 hours ago)

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Dear Friend,We have good news! Friends of the Earth Liberia and their partners have distributed Ebola prevention kits and informational material to more than 1000 households and public facilities. We are happy and proud that so many of our supporters have helped to make this possible!

Together, we have raised more than 12,000 euro to help Liberian communities stand strong against the virus. But people are still getting sick. And though the international response may be improving it is still inadequate.

With your contribution to Friends of the Earth Liberia, you will directly benefit community-led efforts to protect people against Ebola. This is life saving work and it needs your support.

Ebola has killed thousands in Liberia and continues to cripple daily life and push the already fragile health service to the brink of collapse.

But Friends of the Earth Liberia, their partners and the communities they work with are fighting hard against the Ebola epidemic.

Friends of the Earth Liberia – a small organization consisting almost exclusively of Liberian staff – is part of the Community Awareness and Support Team (CAST) initiative, who are determined to contribute to ongoing efforts to stabilize the situation by raising awareness about personal hygiene and safety measures, and gathering and distributing key items such as disinfectants and soap to vulnerable communities. Since the launch of the initiative, CAST has delivered Ebola prevention kits to 1,296 households including 90 public facilities. To date the distribution has reached the population of 37 villages in Grand Bassa and Rivercess Counties.

Your contribution can help this locally driven campaign to prevent the spread of Ebola in vulnerable communities in Liberia. All funds received (100%) will be transferred to Liberia. Please give what you can.
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Please support Friends of the Earth Liberia and its partners, who are providing community relief and support in the fight against the deadly Ebola virus http://bit.ly/liberia-appeal


Support communities in #Liberia in their fight against the #Ebola virus: http://bit.ly/liberia-appeal @FoLiberia @FoEint


In solidarity

Friends of the Earth International

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