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Uni fee deregulation


Bill Shorten via sendgrid.info 

4:53 PM (10 minutes ago)

to me

Tonight, thanks to the support of thousands of people taking a stand against the Americanisation of our universities, our TV ad showing just what the Liberals have planned will air right across the country.

But this is just the beginning.  To stop Mr Abbott’s $100,000 degrees, we have to do much more. Most importantly, we’ll be relying on your help to make sure all Australians know what’s going on.

We’ve got a new website and we’ll be out in the community with information and ways everyone can join the campaign.

The deregulation of university fees is a backwards step which is bad for our kids and bad for the economy.

We need your voice to help stop $100,000 degrees.

So please, have a look at nodebtsentence.org and share it far and wide, because an informed community will not allow a future in which our kids have to retire with a HECS debt.

If you haven’t already seen the ad, you can watch it here and please, share it with your friends and family so they know what Tony Abbott’s Government are planning too.

A few weeks ago Christopher Pyne boasted in Parliament that no one would hear what Labor thought of their plans for higher education.  Our community jumped to action, donating thousands of dollars to prove him wrong and make sure Australians got to hear the truth.

With the power of that support behind us we’ve been able to step up our campaign – and there’s more to come.

Thanks for standing with me on this,


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