13 November, 2014 General news0
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Finally, some momentum


Victoria McKenzie-McHarg, ACF Unsubscribe

7:18 PM (22 minutes ago)

to me

Hi Neville

Yesterday was a game changer.

It started when the ALP withdrew from negotiations with the government to weaken Australia’s Renewable Energy Target (RET).

It’s a welcome move, and makes clear that it’s time to talk about how we increase clean energy in Australia, not how we stifle its growth to protect big polluting energy companies.

By mid-afternoon, the news got even better.

The US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that their two countries – together, responsible for 40% of global pollution – had struck a deal to cut pollution and tackle global warming.

It’s a major breakthrough, sending a powerful message to the rest of the world – it’s time to step up on cutting pollution and supporting clean energy.

The deal doesn’t go far enough, but the bar has just been raised.

Our Prime Minister was trying to keep climate change off the agenda of the G20 meeting in Brisbane this weekend. But the US and China have just made it clear – climate change is on their agenda.

Our campaign to show climate is #onmyagenda is having an impact. Over 40,000 tweets have been sent to world leaders, and ACF supporters have organised over 100 events across the country.

At this crucial time, as nations around the world step up on climate, ACF supporters are stepping up to show our leaders that action to cut pollution is on your agenda.

Host or attend a g20 event 

Join the social MEDIA storm

The road ahead is long, but yesterday it got just a little bit brighter.

Will you host or attend an event?

Thanks for all that you do,
Victoria McKenzie-McHarg
Climate change campaign manager
Australian Conservation Foundation
PS. The threat to the RET is still very real. Uncertainty from the government is killing new investment, and we need a solution that supports clean energy. We’ll keep up the pressure on the government and the cross-bench, and show them how much Australians want a clean energy future.

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