Daily update: Abbott’s choice: Either climate science is crap, or his policies are
Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail8.atl111.rsgsv.net
India may stop thermal coal imports within 3 years; Either climate science is crap, or Abbott’s policies are; US, China deal puts heat on Australia; Energex says plenty of room for more solar on network; Ergon may “buy back” solar feed in tariffs to avoid costly upgrade; Tritium plans EV network for Qld; Fossil fuel subsidies dig world into economic hole; Moving beyond utility 2.0 to energy democracy; Robots don’t drink and drive; What you need to know about US-China climate pact; Why fixate on 20% renewables?; and IEA warns fossil fuel trends dire.
Tony Abbott has been ‘shirt-fronted’ by the two most powerful leaders in the world on the issue of climate change. Now he has a choice: throw in his lot with the climate-denying Republicans, or find some tools to meet the science. How about a carbon price and a robust renewables target?
Australia’s backtracking on climate change policy – dumping the carbon price and seeking to slash the renewable energy target – is looking like an increasingly dumb and isolating policy position as the US and China announced an ambitious new climate deal.
Energex already has 25% of its customers with rooftop solar, but says there is room for more – particularly on businesses and large scale installations.
Ergon Energy looking to “buy back” 44c/kwh feed in tariff in attempt to change household behaviour and avoid need for costly grid upgrades.
Queensland EV company to use 12 of its Australian made fast chargers to create 430km long ‘electric super highway’ extending from Brisbane to Byron Bay.
IEA says the hundreds of billions a year spent on fossil fuel subsidies is ‘rigging the game against renewables’ and wrecking economies.
India’s ambitious plan to cease thermal coal imports within 2-3 years blows another hole in Abbott government’s backward-thinking policies.
A version 2.0 electric utility offers a way for utilities to remain financially solvent, even profitable in a decentralized and renewable energy system.
How to End Human-Error Auto Fatalities and Slash Automotive Carbon Emissions in Just 10 Years.
The landmark deal provides a ray of hope for limiting global carbon emissions and securing a new global treaty on climate change.
The RET has gone through a variety of iterations over its lifetime, but never has it been officially defined in terms in terms of a percentage target.
The odds that any climate agreement among the biggest greenhouse emitters will succeed became a little greater as China & U.S. commit to slash carbon pollution.