

In 1994, a group of committed activists in Australia’s most easterly point, Byron Bay, created a document, known as “The Vision.”

 That document outlined features of the development for the Shire that are broadly supported in the community.

Now, twelve years later, it is time to revisit that vision. There is nothing wrong with the overall view, but many of the features of that vision have not been realised and we need to examine how we can implement them.

In the intervening period, the State government has taken away the train service, has removed caravan parks from council administration and has passed new planning laws that give it control over coastal development.

In the big picture, climate change, and the pressure to adopt nuclear energy are threatening our safety and way of life. As one of the few areas in Australia’s South East not suffering from ongoing drought and bushfires it is imperative that we preserve our prime agricultural land for growing food.

The 2020 Vision is a project started by Uncle Joe and Wadzy from The Generator on Bay FM. It aims to revisit and revitalise the Vision of 1994.

Click the images on this page for a larger version of the original vision document OR get the full print quality document page by page from the links here. Page 1, Page 2 , Page 3 , Page 4 .

In many ways, the fight is more urgent now than it was a decade and a half ago. Stay tuned to The Generator on Bay FM and participate in this website. Keep your eyes open for www.2020vision.org.au so you can sign up and put your two bob’s worth on the table.


A vision of urban development

The rural vision

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