Adani’s sinking liferaft Sam R – GetUp!

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Adani’s sinking liferaft


Sam R – GetUp! Unsubscribe

12:50 PM (5 minutes ago)

to me

Something exciting just happened, NEVILLE.

Indian mining company Adani is seeking a lifeline for their Reef-destroying, climate-damaging project – and we have the chance to sink it.

This morning on Radio National, Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg was asked if he would be prepared to give huge handouts for Adani’s coal project. His answer? “Adani needs to stand on its own two feet… it wouldn’t be a priority project for the Commonwealth.”1

It’s a major shift from the Government, who have repeatedly nominated Adani as a candidate for hundreds of millions of dollars worth of handouts to prop up their Reef-destroying, climate-damaging project.

They’re encouraging words, but it’s far from a concrete promise.

But if enough of us reach out right now, we can show Minister Frydenberg just how popular a solid commitment not to fork out Government money for Adani would be. It could be enough to get him over the line.

Can you email Josh Frydenberg’s office and ask him to rule out Government handouts for Adani’s dangerous, unviable coal project now?

Here’s the really exciting thing. Without a government lifeline, Adani could be cooked. Top financial analysts have said the market for thermal coal will never recover, and Adani’s coal will likely never find a market.2

Major banks won’t touch it. Already, 15 of the world’s 20 biggest banks have ruled it out because of financial or environmental concerns.

Simply put, the Carmichael Mine and Abbot Point might never get off the ground without this funding.

Can you help grab this golden opportunity with both hands?

With hope,

Sam R and Adam, for the GetUp team

PS – There’s never been a more important time to act. Just this morning, we heard the Great Barrier Reef is facing the worst bleaching event in history. This summer, up to 10% of the Reef’s coral risks dying. We need to do every single thing we can to protect our precious Reef. Here’s the first step:

[1] Big ideas for the top end, ABC Radio National, 9 October 2015
[2] Why more banks should be wary about coal, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 September 2015

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