An avalanche of support – Not Likely

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“An avalanche of support?” Not likely


Bill Shorten via 

1:21 PM (3 hours ago)

to me

Neville —
“There’s been an avalanche of support for the Government’s higher education reforms”
– Christopher Pyne, last week

Is he dreaming?

84,000 people who have signed our petition say no to $100,000 degrees:


The hundreds of thousands who have used our uni fee calculator say no to $100,000 degrees:


The thousands of Labor members who funded our TV ad say no to $100,000 degrees:


The 6 million people who have seen our Facebook graphics learnt we’re saying no to $100,000 degrees:


The 2 million people who have seen our TV ad (that you funded) learnt we’re saying no to $100,000 degrees:


So does anyone still think there’s “an avalanche of support” for Tony Abbott’s $100,000 degrees?


Photo credit: Alex Ellinghausen / Fairfax Syndication 

Thanks for standing with me on this,

PS — With the legislation still up for debate, it’s not too late to keep spreading the word. Please share to keep proving the Liberals wrong.

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