Campbell stops WA wind farm


NIMBY lobbies "should be heeded": Senator Campbell – who last month blocked a similar Victorian project allegedly to protect a rare parrot – has frozen federal funds for a wind farm at Denmark on the State’s south coast, saying the State Government should not override community opposition to such projects.

Chosen site "unique": Denying he was "anti wind farms", Senator Campbell said wind turbine projects needed to address the concerns of local residents before they were supported. “Denmark’s pretty unique,” he said.

Greens say Canberra misreading community concerns: WA Greens MP Paul Llewellyn, who had a financial stake in the project, called on Senator Campbell to fix the dispute. "Communities are crying out for positive action on climate change, Minister Campbell does not appear to be listening," Mr Llewellyn said.

The Australian, 26/4/2006, p. 2

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