Generators put wish list for emissions


John Boshier, Executive Director, National Generators’ Forum, set out the generators’ wish-list. It was for policy that:

• places a price on greenhouse gas emissions, through a tax, an emission cap or an emissions trading regime should provide adequate compensation to existing asset holders who suffer loss of revenue or asset value;

• provides consistent and efficient national greenhouse response programs are preferred over the existing mix of multiple federal and state based programs;

• responds to future climate change impacts as a result of greenhouse gas emissions is a complex issue that will need to be accepted by the general public. The NGF supports activities to facilitate informed debate on the subject;

• measures n a manner that does not impact on the efficient operation of the National Electricity Market;

• lots consultation "NGF members are expert in developing and operating electricity generation plant in a least-cost manner and seek to use this expertise to contribute to the greenhouse policy debate with all stakeholders;

• voluntary greenhouse gas abatement early action incorporated in greenhouse policy’;

• no picking of "technology winners" but policy and regulatory frameworks support all zero and low emission technologies in order to achieve least-cost outcomes;

•  priority on research, development and demonstration in order to accelerate the commercialisation and deployment of zero and low emission technologies in order to minimise future mitigation costs;

• policy should be based on available technology in order to minimise costs.

Contact: John Boshier, Executive Director, National Generators’ Forum, ph: (02) 6243 5120, fax: (02) 6243 5143, email: website: Reference: Submission from the National Generators’ Forum Limited on the Discussion Paper – Possible Design for a National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme

Erisk Net, 20/12/2006

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