Upper Coopers Creek Primary School gets Hilton Hen House
Our “UCC Hilton Hen House” is well underway under the leadership of “Wadzy” (Wayne Wadsworth and Lyn Bell, who has been liaising with students on the design and selection of plants. The construction phase should be completed in the next couple of weeks.
Planting of our veggies and herbs, and the stocking of our chicken coop will occur early next year. In the next few weeks, Wadzy will contact our Mayor Jan Barham and the Byron Shire Environmental Officer to attend our official opening of the “UCC Hilton Hen House”. Those of you who have had the opportunity to inspect the construction so far will have admired its size and panoramic views of the valley. The staff is considering converting it into a staffroom!
There is an uncanny similarity between Wadzy and the main character of “The Hilton Hen House”! Can you see it?