We all agree: The Minding the Carbon Pool plan has been hailed by federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell, by Queensland Conservation, and by the Wilderness Society.
Potential for CO2 sequestration: Senator Campbell said landholders had already signed up to save almost 8000ha of trees under the greenhouse abatement project. “If more landholders get involved, the project has the potential to save up to 20,000 to 30,000 hectares of forests from being cleared for at least 100 years, and up to two to three million tones of carbon dioxide from going into the atmosphere,” Senator Campbell said.
Deadline limitation: But there is only a limited opportunity for the Queensland rural sector to cash in. From 31 December, the State Government will ban all tree clearing. This means the only people who can benefit are those holding clearing permits which expire then.
A step in the right direction: Queensland Conservation said the project was a “small step but a good one” and the Wilderness Society said it was time that Australia placed an economic value on its standing carbon stocks.