Howard Govt wildly inconsistent on wind farms


Same data, dramatically different conclusions: Modelling by the Victorian Government used the same data employed by Biosis Research, whose report was seized on by Federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell to scuttle the $220 million wind farm proposal.

Parrots didn’t rate so highly in 2002: Moreover the Howard Government approved four other Victorian wind farms in 2002 even though they were found to have a significantly higher kill rate of one parrot every five years. But Senator Camphell continued to defend the Bald Hill decision, saying he was determined to protect the native parrot because it was a "unique Australian bird".

Irony:  Ironically, the orange-bellied parrot is hightly vunerable to climate change, a threat to its survival that far exceeds any threat from wind turbines.

The Australian, 19/4/2006, p. 1

Source: Erisk Net


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