Need for new coal-fired power plants based on a big lie

Energy Matters0

Need for new coal-fired power plants based on a big lie
The NSW government’s approval for two new giant fossil fuel power
stations is based on the big lie that they are needed to keep the lights
on. They will drive up the state’s greenhouse gas emissions and destroy
jobs in the renewable energy industry, according to Greens NSW MP John
Commenting on Planning Minister Tony Kelly’s approval of the concept
plans for 2,000 MW power plants at Mt Piper near Lithgow and Bayswater
in the Upper Hunter, Dr Kaye said: “NSW does not need more baseload
electricity generation to keep the lights on.
“The Owen inquiry was manufactured by the Iemma government to justify
its privatisation agenda. The exaggerated claims of generation capacity
shortages have been completely discredited.
“The latest data from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
shows that NSW has sufficient baseload capacity for reliable supply
beyond 2016.
“It is highly improbable that Mt Piper will be gas powered given the
distance to the nearest pipeline and the costs of connecting up supply.
“Even Bayswater is much more likely to be coal-fired. Risks of
substantial price rises resulting from an East Coast gas export terminal
will make gas a much less attractive fuel, even if the Senate passes the
Rudd government’s highly ineffective Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.
“Coal-fired stations will increase the state’s greenhouse gas emission
by 15.1 per cent and gas by 7.1 percent.
“This is an unacceptable increase to the state’s burden on the
“The Keneally government is turning NSW into an international
greenhouse pariah.
“The future of jobs in the clean energy industry has been dealt a
savage blow.
“Thousands of jobs in solar thermal energy, wind power and energy
efficiency are being sacrificed to the myth that only coal can keep the
lights on.
“The NSW government continues to trade on the clean coal fairy tale.
“Carbon capture and storage will not be available in the time scale
needed to respond to global climate change. If it ever works, it is
likely to be very expensive.
“Clean coal and gas are nothing but green-wash for a climate killing
policy of swamping the state with excess coal-power.
“The approval of new power plants shows the Keneally Government is not
serious about addressing the threat of climate change.
“If they were, they would be announcing planning approval and direct
public investment for large-scale solar thermal power plants to replace
the state’s highly polluting coal-fired generators,” Dr Kaye said.
For more information: John Kaye 0407 195 455

Planning Minister Tony Kelly has announced his approval for the concept
plans for two new coal or gas fired power stations, each of 2,000 MW.
This is the end product of the power privatisation process started by
former Treasurer Michael Costa.  The sites with concept plan approval
will be offered for sale  to the private sector with the aim of luring
them into developing $10 billion of new baseload capacity.
Even with a $30 per tonne CO2 cost, coal is likely to be more
attractive to a private sector developer than gas. The carbon price
impacts on a coal fired power station would be about $24 per MWh and
about $10 per MWh on gas. The $14 per MWh carbon price benefit of gas
would be swamped by probable surge in gas prices from the construction
an East Coast export terminal.

Green gas emissions
Figures based on the project environmental assessments. Percentages
based on 2007 National Greenhouse Accounts, NSW Inventory total
(excluding LULUCF) of 151.6 Mt CO2e in 2007

                                  Coal (Mt CO2e) Gas(Mt CO2e)
Mt Piper                      10.5                 4.9
Bayswater B  1             2.4                  5.9
Total                           22.9                10.8
Incr in NSW emissions  15.1%             7.1%

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