The Grinch that Stole Xmas? 350 org

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The Grinch that Stole Xmas?


Charlie Wood – Australia <>

5:05 PM (47 minutes ago)

to me

Dear friend,

With Xmas around the corner, our Government is trying to fast-track plans to construct the world’s largest coal port on the Great Barrier Reef. If they get their way, approvals could be given as early as Xmas eve and construction could start on the 2nd of January!

The Abbot Point Coal Terminal would provide a gateway for coal companies to unlock nine mega coal mines in the Galilee. These mines would cook the climate and wreck the Reef.

We have a tiny window of time to tell the Government what we think of these disastrous plans. Environment Minister Greg Hunt has given Australians just ten days to comment on over 2300 pages of material about the construction plans and the submission deadline is 5pm tomorrow!

Don’t let Greg Hunt be the Grinch that stole Xmas – click here to tell him what you think about these plans to dredge the Reef and open the floodgates to massive new coal mine expansion.

These plans are insane in so many ways — ripping up the Great Barrier Reef to exploit what would be the world’s largest carbon bomb at a time when coal prices are plummeting, renewables are punching above their weight, public opposition is skyrocketing and financiers are backing away en masse. What’s more, to construct the Port, Reef sea floor would be dug up and dumped into the internationally significant Caley Valley Wetlands, home to 40,000 water birds including rare and threatened species.

As we head into holiday season, let’s not allow these disastrous plans slip through whilst we aren’t watching – click here to voice your opposition today.

Wishing you a very happy, safe and coal-free xmas,

Charlie and the whole Australia team

PS: Click here to read our blog about the 10 reasons why the Galilee Basin is insane.

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