This is your victory – take a bow Amanda McKenzie – The Climate Council

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This is your victory – take a bow


Amanda McKenzie – The Climate Council via 

5:20 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Dear Inga,

Big news out of federal parliament today – climate contrarian Bjorn Lomborg’s ‘Consensus Centre’ has seen its $4 million of taxpayer dollars evaporate in the face of overwhelming public opposition.

This is a victory to savour, in no small part due to you and the extraordinary Climate Council community, and the way you responded to the threat of climate misinformation.

If you don’t remember the story, this is the one where after massive cuts to world class scientific institutions across Australia, the federal government found $4 million of taxpayers money to help Bjorn Lomborg bring his unique brand of climate contrarianism to our sunny shores.

The resulting public backlash – which included the efforts of so many of you! – lead directly to today’s announcement. So for today, a big congratulations to you! Take a bow and maybe do a little victory dance (we are certainly doing one at HQ) – you have played a major role in sending a misinformation merchant packing.

However, as we know all too well, there is no shortage of climate change misinformation and misdirection being peddled as fact. So we will continue to ensure that the very best climate science is placed front and centre where it belongs. We will show that real action on climate change is possible and that we must act without delay. And we will continue to challenge the misinformation that threatens to derail real action on climate change.

Thank you,

Amanda McKenzie
CEO, Climate Council

P.S. If you haven’t seen it already, check out our latest report on the exciting breakthroughs in battery storage – Powerful Potential: Battery Storage for Renewable Energy and Electric Cars. Have a read and feel free to share with your networks.

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