Volcano Threats

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News 3 new results for volcanoes
UK adds solar storms, volcanoes to national threat list
AP In this photo, smoke plumes from the Grimsvotn volcano, which lies under the Vatnajokull glacier, about 120 miles, (200 kilometers) east of the capital, Rejkjavik, Iceland. (AP / Jon Gustafsson) LONDON — Britain has added volcanoes and solar storms
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Britain adds volcanoes, solar storms to floods and terrorism on national risk
Washington Post
LONDON — Britain has added volcanoes and solar storms to floods, flu and terrorism on a list of threats to national security. The highest-priority risks to Britain are pandemic influenza, coastal flooding, terrorist attacks and — a new addition
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Scientists find chain of islands more than 65 million years old
Jamaica Observer
She is currently said to reside in the craters of the Kilauea volcano on the big island; but that’s just the newest of the eight main islands in the chain. Though humans were not around to record her relocations, she must have previously lived on Maui,
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