We sent a clear message BILL SHORTEN LABOR

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We sent a clear message


Bill Shorten Unsubscribe

9:04 PM (15 minutes ago)

to me

The latest politics update from the Australian Labor Party | Unsubscribe

I want to congratulate Matt Keogh and his team on the outstanding campaign they ran in Canning.

As a very safe Liberal seat, it was always going to be a tough fight.

But because of our campaign a safe Liberal seat has become a marginal one and the Liberal Party — led by Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop — cut down their Prime Minister.

The voters in Canning know that changing leaders has changed very little.

Malcolm Turnbull has committed to every single part of Tony Abbott’s unfair agenda for Australia — inaction on climate, climbing debt and deficit, unfair cuts to our schools and hospitals as well as delaying marriage equality.

If this swing in Canning was to be replicated across the country, Labor would win more than 30 seats. We know that thousands of Western Australians voted Labor for the first time in this by-election.

Labor has the policies and the vision for the future to advance Australia beyond the mining boom.

And tomorrow I will announce Labor’s positive plan for universities — our plan for more graduates, not $100,000 degrees. Because that’s the investment our economy needs.

Congratulations again to Matt Keogh on his amazing result and congratulations to Andrew Hastie on his election.

Together we’ve sent a clear message to the Liberals and their unfair cuts and broken promises.

Thanks for standing with me on this,


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